<aside> 🇬🇧 Peremebli

Initiative →

Instructions →

Support us →


<aside> 🇺🇦 Перемеблі

Ініціатива →

Інструкції →

Підтримати нас →

Хуст хостел →


We create a line of furniture relevant to Ukraine. The work at Khust Hostel is over. The hostel has an investor, so we had the resources to purchase materials. As for us, we were working as volunteers. Today we’re creating clear instructions so that our designs could be reproduced in any other place.

💵 Support us by donations

From day one of the war, almost all of our projects are done on a volunteering basis. So far we can afford it. But if you relate to what we are doing, you want to support us, we will appreciate your donation.

You can become our patron:

Become a patron on Patreon

→ PrivatBank: 5168 7450 2149 2571

→ MonoBank: 5375 4141 0086 4924

→ PayPal: [email protected]


Andrіі Batіn

🪢 Support with your expertise

We’re open to any advice, comments, ideas, and hearing other people's experiences. Drop us a line, if you have something valuable to share with us.

[email protected]

